Value Management: Value Coding

Value Coding is the process by which the (mostly subjective) Things That Matter are re-expressed in ways – Value Codes – that make them objectively measurable and manageable.

Derived from – or related to – one or more of the Things That Matter – a Value Code is a way of capturing and describing a specific aspect of activity in a format that:

  • Moves from the emotional to the practical, from the abstract to the specific, and from description to action.
  • Recognises and reflects how People most powerfully think creatively.
  • Makes it possible to measure the current state of that activity, decide its desired state and start the process of getting there.

Depending on the situation, the process of developing the Value Codes might involve creating new Value Codes – either by converting the Things That Matter or by writing them from scratch – or it could involve selecting existing Value Codes from our libraries:

  • We have well over 100 existing Value Codes, derived from (and mapped to) over 90 different tools and methodologies.
  • Once selected, these existing Value Codes can be adapted as needed (e.g. changing terminology to better engage the target audience).

In some cases, maybe there is a mixture of new and existing Value Codes.

In all cases, we can help if needed, including mapping the Value Codes to the agreed Things That Matter, such that both “levels” can be reported on later with any Diagnostic that follows.

What Goes Into a Value Code

Every Value Code has a short unique Label and a Description that gives more information about what the Value Code covers: this usually features the topics within the scope of the Value Code, and makes sure that everyone understands what it is about.

Each Value Code then has five Evaluation Statements that describe what progressive states of achievement, aptitude or fulfilment with that Value Code look like in practice, usually involving the topics described in the Description.

How Value Codes Are Used

All of this Value Code content can be presented and used in several ways.

It could be set out as content to read and understand – descriptions of best practice and intent that show people what is in scope and what is expected of them.  After all, Value Codes capture what is valued and what that value looks like.

More often, though, Value Codes are used in Diagnostics to evaluate the current state of activity, decide its desired state and start the process of getting there.

Comments can also be provided to explain evaluations made and some evaluations also involve options to upload supporting evidence and/or to propose actions that could be taken to improve the situation.

Whilst people may provide different evaluations, a combination of 1. the objective Evaluation Statement Descriptions and 2. any comments and other information provided, means that subsequent discussions centre around specifics and not perceptions:

  • The Evaluation Statements either are or are not objectively fulfilled in practice.
  • The progressive differences between them also indicate what needs to happen to move from one to the other.

Value Codes make it possible to measure the current state of activity, decide its desired state and start the process of getting there.

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